After recently being put on the spot and asked by our group CEO, “What does success look like for delivery at Reason?” my instinctive answer was “No surprises.”
Pretium dictum turpis dictumst vestibulum feugiat tortor ut aliquet. Orci sagittis lacus praesent sit eget at aenean id.
Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
AI, GPT, Dall-e, Midjourney! It's everywhere these days. Like a persistent mosquito on a summer's evening.
Following some interesting conversations around this topic recently, we decided to join forces to articulate how we perceive and enact each of them at Reason.
One of our software teams was talking about user stories the other day, specifically about splitting them to make them smaller and more manageable.
At Reason, we like a good challenge. So when a client came to us and asked us to help them brand, design, validate and prototype a new insurance proposition in 5 weeks, we got pretty excited.
Customer research and customer development share similar characteristics, while they both evangelise getting out of the building and speaking to real users, their purpose, outcomes and speed in practice are very different.
If there is something the world wasn’t short of, it's content about design sprints; how tos, success stories, what to do and what not to do, yadda yadda yadda.